Gently shaking
Friday September 10, 2021; 12:11 PM EDT
  • I am thinking about how drummer could fit into my blogging. I blog at John’s WWWD, I also hook up to and Twitter to expand my conversation. But my blog is mostly read by me. I read my On This Day page most days, reviewing old thoughts and tidying links and breakages. I search it a fair bit and am interested in other ways to extend that. #
  • What drummer would bring to the mix would include organising and improving my longer posts by outlining and scripting the web. Both these areas I've only dipped my toe into but both are intriguing. #
  • Pulling information into an outline, for consideration, longer thinking and writing would be interesting. Leaving an item to sit might be good too. I've already cribbed a script to grab my blogs bookmark posts and put them in an outline. These could sit awaiting expansion. #
  • So far a missing piece would be posting from Drummer to my blog. Fargo did that so I expect it might work. The post to Twitter feature gives me hope. I guess a script could pop a window and populate a Post This window from a item & sub-items. It could even add tags & categories. Perhaps IndieWeb kinds too. I might manage that myself. But a proper XML-RPC post could be better. #
  • Lots to study. #

CC-BY-SA John Johnston

Last update: Wednesday April 17, 2024; 2:49 PM EDT.