Gently shaking
Realised that being able to mount my Pi on my mac means I can quite quickly add images to Drummer.#
I've been hard reloading with ⌘-shift-r for years. After Dave's note I realise I've been doing in wrong. Safari, ⌘-⎇-E (empty cache) then ⌘-R!#
  • After yesterday's success in getting running I though I'd try to add river5 on another pi and use the same sort of reverse proxy to get it running on It sort of works. Even locally it runs very slowly. The Pi i a Model B Rev 2 so quite old now. Certainly node was tricky to install, I had to get older version. Also seems to use >90% of cpu when river5 is running. Once I set up the reverse proxy I can load the page at but I get tons of errors about websockets. Currently googling, losing hope. I can use River5 locally albeit slowly. I've probably spent enough of Saturday morning on this now. #
  • A wee bit later, I just used my router to point the port for the websockets directly at the second pi. This seems to have worked. I see no errors in the console and some success messages. #

CC-BY-SA John Johnston

Last update: Wednesday April 17, 2024; 2:49 PM EDT.