Gently shaking
I think I'd like to be able to set a favicon for my drummer blog. I wonder how you do that? #
Quite lot of folk seem to use linkedin for blogging. I am alway surprised. #
Enjoyed listening to Andy's Episode 008 – Interview with Ton Zijlstra - Thinking About Tools For Thought. Although most of the guests and Andy himself approach using software in a much more though out way that I do I am enjoying every episode. #
Thinking about Drummer, comments and the like. Drummer seems a very opinionated bit of software, which I like. Dave is a very famous blogger, I imagine that will colour his view on the usefulness of comments on his blog. The likelihood of him getting unpleasant/unwanted comments will be vastly greater than mine. 🤞I've not seem much of that in my years of blogging. Apart from spam which is well dealt with by Akismet at the moment. #

CC-BY-SA John Johnston

Last update: Friday February 24, 2023; 12:28 PM EST.